Wednesday 16 October 2013

Johannesburg press dub Rihanna's show a rip-off

I'm sure most of you are more interested in the 'Abused,
killed, dumped; do you know this boy?
' story but we are talking about Rihanna here...:-)
 So she made history at her concert in Johannesburg
 South Africa last Sunday October 13th by becoming
the youngest person ever to sell out the 67 thousand
seat FNB Stadium,
 but the local news dubbed her show a rip off...

From The Star SA

Sunday night’s Rihanna concert has leftsome fans complaining of lip-synching and a below-par
performance. She was trending onTwitter yesterday morning after her performance at the FNB Stadium on Sunday night, with a mix of adoring messages and not-so-glowing reviews.
The latter included allegations that Rihanna was miming some of her songs, did not do a single costume change, had not performed some of her biggest hits and lacked vitality. “It’s obvious, you know when someone is lip-synching – I was in the Golden Circle, I could see it,” said Sharon Seretlo, a photographer at The Star.
Some of these artists like to come to Africa and do anything they like...continue...

“I’m a diehard Rihanna fan but I was disappointed,” she said. “It was like she didn’t give the energy we wanted from her.”
Another fan said: “I think she was actually lip-synching because, at some points, the words of the song were happening but she wasn’t singing along. I don’t know if she was doing it for the whole show.”
Another fan, Nicole Contini, said there were other problems. “She had the song choruses playing in the background and sung over them – you knew she was singing because she wasn’t always on key,” she said. “I wasn’t too surprised as I know she’s a recording artist and her performances aren’t very strong.
“Having said that, I don’t feel the ticket prices were fair considering the level of performance,” Contini said.

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